The story of Kung Fu Hustle is about a man named Sing who tries to join a gang called the axe gang. Unfortunatly for him the only way for him to join is to commit murder. He tries to join only because he was powerless as a kid. Throughout the film Sing starts to grow and realise his mistakes. Slowly, but surely he grows into a kung fu master. {Tv tropes Kung Fu Hustle)
This movie in itself is a "comedic parody of and homage to Chinese Wuxia films." (Tv tropes Kung Fu Hustle) The setting of this story is very chinese related since the story is based in some chinese region. The plot of this movie is very interesting extremly funny since it is made to be a parody of the wuxia genre. The movie has an overall extremly positive rating and is a world acclaimed movie. The live action movie overall had a positive impact on the genre and has helped spread this type of movie around the world. (Rotten Tomatoes)